
Publication on Rett Syndrome

Publication on Rett Syndrome


In the autumn of 2005, the Zahrádka Primary School, in cooperation with the Rett Community civic association and with the financial support of the Fund for Education, published the first Czech print publication on Rett syndrome.

The publication offers professional contributions on Rett syndrome and provides an overview of educational activities and possibilities of leisure-time activities for children with Rett syndrome at school and in the family. The publication is intended for both experts and the general public.

The publication was reviewed by clinical psychologist PhDr. Dana Krejčířová (read – in Czech), specialized assistant at Charles University’s Department of Special Education PaedDr. Vanda Hájková Ph.D.(read – in Czech), Mgr. Drahoslava Hlinová (read – in Czech) of the Department of Special Education at Komenský University in Bratislava and rehabilitative doctor MUDr. Věra Masaříková.

Since this publication can be an inspiration for further activities in this area and helps teachers, children with Rett syndrome and their families, the Zahrádka has also published an English version of the booklet.

The publication (in Czech or in English) is available at Základní škola Zahrádka, U Zásobní zahrady 8, 130 00 Praha 3, e-mail: info@zszahradka.cz.



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